big data archives and their distributed analysis capabilities

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This section is provides a list of publications of research results, obtained using CKP “IKI-Monitoring".

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years: all; subject: all; publication types: all; grants: all; organizations: all
  1. Savin I.Yu., Dokukin P.A., Verniuk Yu.I., Zhogolev A.V. About the influence of weeds on spring barley NDVI determined from MODIS satellite data // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2017. Vol. 14. No. 3. С.185-195. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-3-185-195.
  2. Pashtetskiy V.S., Dunaieva Ie.A. Satellite Service Use for Agricultural Monitoring // Taurian Bulletin of agricultural science. 2017. № 3 (11). С.117-123.
  3. Lavrova O.Yu., Mityagina M.I. , Kostianoy A.G. Ice conditions in the Kerch Strait in the current century. A retrospective analysis based on satellite data // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2017. Vol. 14. No. 2. С.148-166. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-2-148-166.
  4. Girina O.A., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G. Satellite monitoring of Kamchatkan and Northern Kuriles volcanoes // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2017. Т. 14. № 6. С.194-209. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-6-194-209.
  5. Rybin A.V., Chibisova M.V., Degterev A.V. Activity of Chirinkotan volcano (Chirinkotan Isl., the Northern Kuriles) in 2013–2016 // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2017. Vol. 14. No. 4. С.76-86. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-4-76-84.
  6. Lavrova O.Yu., Nazirova K.R., Strochkov A.Ya. Current capabilities for complex analysis of propagationof oil pollution on the sea surface by example of a ship spillin the Gulf of Lion // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2017. Vol. 14. No. 4. С.193-206. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-4-193-203.
  7. Savin I.Yu., Zhang X., Shishkonakova E.A., Zhogolev A.V., Gabdullin B.S. Map of winter crops of the season 2017 placed on the service VEGA: results of selective quality control // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2017. Vol. 14. No. 4. С.125-131. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-4-125-131.
  8. Mityaeva L.A., Domashenko Yu.Ye., Vasilyev S.M. Improvement of disturbed irrigated land properties after carrying out remediation actions // Scientific Journal of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems. 2017. No. 1 (25). С.146-160.
  9. Ozaryan Y.A. Integrated assessment of technogenic wasteland of Komsomolsk mining district using Vega satellite service // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2016. Vol. 13. No. 1. С.70-78. DOI: DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2016-13-1-70-78 .
  10. Tsydypov B.Z., Garmaev E.Zh., Alymbaeva Zh.B., Batotsyrenov E.Ay., Ayurzhanaev A.A., Sayapina D.O., Zharnikova M.A., Sodnomov B.V., Tulokhonov A.K. Spatial-temporal assessment of the change in the plant cover of arid climate zones along the Baikal-Gobi transect // Science Education. 2016. No. 5. С.8-16.
  11. Rubtsova T.A., Fetisov D.M., Gelunov A.N. New geobotanical subdivision of the Jewish Autonomous Region // Vestnik of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016. No. 1 (185). С.26-37.
  12. Savin I.Yu., Molchanov E.N., Shishkonakova E.A., Kharzinov S.M., Zhogolev A.V. About influence of arable soils degradation on actual land productivity // GeoScience scientific journal. 2016. № 1. С.28-35.
  13. Vasilyev S.M., Mityaeva L.A. Irrigated land degradation assessment undercalibration services of agricultural land monitoring // Scientific Journal of Russian Scientific Research Institute of Land Improvement Problems. 2016. № 4 (24). С.70-85.
  14. Uchaev D.V., Bobkov A.E , Malinnikov V.A., Uchaev Dm.V. Management of hyperspectral images for scientific researchof small teams // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2016. Vol. 13. No. 6. С.233-248. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2016-13-6-233-248.
  15. Mityaeva L.A. Monitoring of irrigated lands on a single farm after recultivation measures // News of the orenburg state agrarian university. 2016. No. 5 (61). С.10-13.
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