сверхбольшие архивы спутниковых данных и возможности их распределенного анализа


Accuracy Assessment of Atmospheric Correction of KMSS-2 Meteor-M #2.2 Data over Northern Eurasia

Plotnikov D.E., Kolbudaev P.A., Matveev A.M., Proshin A.A., Polyanskii I.V.

// Remote sensing, 2023. № 15(18). С.4395.


Atmospheric correction of satellite remote sensing data is a prerequisite for a large variety of applications, including time series analysis and quantitative assessment of the Earth’s vegetation cover. It was earlier reported that an atmospherically corrected KMSS-M (Meteor-M #2) dataset was produced for Russia and neighboring countries. The methodology adopted for atmospheric correction was based on localized histogram matching of target KMSS-M and MODIS reference gap-free and date-matching imagery. In this paper, we further advanced the methodology and quantitatively assessed Level-2 surface reflectance analysis-ready datasets, operatively produced for KMSS-2 instruments over continental scales. Quantitative assessment was based on accuracy, precision, and uncertainty (APU) metrics produced for red and near-infrared bands of the KMSS-2 instrument based on a reference derived from a MODIS MOD09 reconstructed surface reflectance. We compared error distributions at 5%, 20%, and 50% levels of cloudiness and indicated that the cloudiness factor has little impact on the robustness of the atmospheric correction regardless of the band. Finally, the spatial and temporal gradients of accuracy metrics were investigated over northern Eurasia and across different seasons. It was found that for the vast majority of observations, accuracy falls within the −0.010–0.035 range, while precision and uncertainty were below 0.06 for any band. With the successful launch of the most recent Meteor-M #2.3 with a new KMSS-2 instrument onboard, the efficiency and interoperability of the constellation are expected to increase.

Ссылка на текст: http://smiswww.iki.rssi.ru/files/publications/sotrudniki/plotnikov_remotesensing-15-04395.pdf
  • Институт космических исследований РАН, Москва