big data archives and their distributed analysis capabilities

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This section is provides a list of publications of research results, obtained using CKP “IKI-Monitoring".

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years: all; subject: all; publication types: all; grants: all; organizations: all
  1. Tolpin V.A., Bartalev S.A., Elkina E.S., Kashnitskiy A.V., Konstantinjva A.M., Loupian E.A., Marchenkov V.V., Plotnikov D.E., Патил В.К., Sunil J.K. The VEGA-GEOGLAM information system: a tool for the development of methods and approaches to using satellite remote sensing data in problem-solving tasks of global agricultural monitoring // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 3. С.183–197. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-3-183-197.
  2. Bourtsev M.A., Uspensky S.A., Kramareva L.S., Antonov V.N., Kalashnikov A.V., Balashov I.V., Kashnitskiy A.V., Loupian E.A., Matveev A.M., Proshin A.A. Actual features and evolution prospects of the SRC “Planeta” distributed data operation united system // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 3. С.198-212. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-3-198-212.
  3. Girina O.A., Loupian E.A., Melnikov D.V., Kashnitskiy A.V., Uvarov I.A., Bril A.A., Konstantinjva A.M., Bourtsev M.A., Manevich A.G., Gordeev E.I., Kramareva L.S., Corokin A.A., Malkovsky S.I., Korolev S.P. Creation and development of the information system “Remote Monitoring of Kamchatka and Kuril Islands Volcanic Activity” // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 3. С.249-265. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-3-249-265.
  4. Lavrova O. Yu., Mityagina M.I., Uvarov I.A., Loupian E.A. Current capabilities and experience of using the See the Sea information system for studying and monitoring phenomena and processes on the sea surface // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 3. С.266-287. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-3-266-287.
  5. Nazirova K.R. , Lavrova O.Yu. , Krayushkin E.V. , Soloviev D.M. , Zhuk E.V. , Alferyeva Ya.O. Features of river plume parameter determination by in situ and remote sensing methods // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 2. С.227-243. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-2-227-243.
  6. Mityagina M.I., Lavrova O.Yu. Abnormal winter bloom of coccolithophores in the eastern Black Sea revealed by satellite data // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No.1. С.248-253. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-1-248-253.
  7. Khovratovich T. S., Bartalev S. A., Kashnitskii A. V. Forest change detection based on sub-pixel estimation of crown cover density using bitemporal satellite data // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 4. С.102-110. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-4-102-110.
  8. Savorsky V.P., Kashnitskiy A.V., Panova O. Yu. Information tools for distributed data analysis of satellite monitoring of plant areas during special examinations // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 5. С.99-110. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-5-99-110.
  9. Elkina E.S., Egorov V.A., Plotnikov D.E., Samofal E.V., Bartalev S.A., Патил В.К., Sunil J.K., Chavan V.S. Development of satellite monitoring methods for sugarcane crop condition assessment in Peninsular India // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 5. С.159-173. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-5-159-173.
  10. Stytsenko F.V., Bartalev S.A., Bukas A.V., Ershov D.V., Saigin I.A. The possibilities of prolonged burnt severity assessment of evergreen coniferous forest using multi-spectral satellite data // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 5. С.217-227. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-5-217-227.
  11. Plotnikova A.S., Ershov D.V., Kharitonova A.O., Shulyak P.P., Bartalev S.A., Stytsenko F.V. Spatial assessment of modern forest fire regimes in Russia // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 5. С.228-240. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-5-228-240.
  12. Loupian E.A., Balashov I.V., Bartalev S.A., Bourtsev M.A., Dmitriev V.V., Senko K.S., Krasheninnikova Yu. S. Forest fires in Russia: specifics of the 2019 fire season // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2019. Vol. 16. No. 5. С.356-363. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-5-356-363.
  13. Uvarov I.A., Nikiforov O.V., Petrukovich A.A., Podladchikova T.V. Development of the "Aurora-Arctica" information system with use of the GEOSMIS cartographic web platform // Abstracfs of 41-th Annual Seminar "Physics of Auroral Phenomena", 2018. P.18-19.
  14. Plotnikov D.E., Kolbudaev P.A., Bartalev S.A., Loupian E.A. Automated annual cropland mapping from reconstructed time series of Landsat data // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2018. Vol. 15. No. 2. С.112-127. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2018-15-2-112-127.
  15. Loupian E.A., Bartalev S.A., Krasheninnikova Yu.S., Plotnikov D.E., Tolpin V.A., Uvarov I.A. Analysis of winter crops development in the southern regions of the European part of Russia in spring of 201 with use of remote monitoring // Actual Problems of Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space. 2018. Vol. 15. No. 2. С.272-276. DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2018-15-2-272-276.
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